It was and it has been a mix of accent and rhythm that I believe it worked. I met the musicians Isaac Neto from Maranhão - Brazil and Miryam Caron from Quebec - Canada, not by chance in Montreal. I received a nice invitation from this wonderful Brazilian musician, to take part of this show which happened in August 2010 at Ballatou in Montreal. I was honored and since then we've become great friends.
terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
Violão com acordes maranhenses, flauta suave de Québec e percussão com sotaque pernambucano!
segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010
Oficina de Maracatu de Baque Virado em Montreal! Workshop of Maracatu in Montreal!
Durante os meses de junho, julho e agosto de 2010, ministrei uma oficina de maracatu para o grupo Terrato na cidade de Montreal. O trabalho teve como objetivo ensinar a história e o baque genuinamente pernambucano, oriundo das nações africanas, mais precisamente da nação Nagô, trazido pelos negros escravos durante o período colonial no Brasil.
As 30 horas de oficina, resultaram na apresentação no Teatro Plaza, no dia 28 de agosto.
During June, July and August - 2010, I gave the group Terrato a workshop of Maracatu de Baque Virado in Montreal-Canada. The work had the objective to teach the history and the genuine beat from the North-eastern of Brazil, Pernambuco, which is a rhythm coming from the African Nations, precisely from Nação Nagô, brought by the African slaves during the colonial period in Brazil.
After the 30 hours of workshop, they had their first performance at Plaza Theater, on August 28.
As 30 horas de oficina, resultaram na apresentação no Teatro Plaza, no dia 28 de agosto.
During June, July and August - 2010, I gave the group Terrato a workshop of Maracatu de Baque Virado in Montreal-Canada. The work had the objective to teach the history and the genuine beat from the North-eastern of Brazil, Pernambuco, which is a rhythm coming from the African Nations, precisely from Nação Nagô, brought by the African slaves during the colonial period in Brazil.
After the 30 hours of workshop, they had their first performance at Plaza Theater, on August 28.
Show at Pharaon Lounge in Montreal on October 2, 2010.

"Dear friends and Relations,
I'll be singing with great new musicians, Drica Souza from the North of Brazil, Samito, man of the world and of course Rodrigo Salazar, tried and true.
A cozy place, this Pharaon Lounge...not quiet a sarcophagi next door and great food at the petit Moulinsarg...of the Belgian persuasion.
Hope to see you there.
Louise Dissertine
October 2, 2010.
Muito agradável tocar com Louise, Samito e Rodrigo. Melhor ainda é me dar o luxo de fazer o que gosto com pessoas que admiro.
Com o meu estilo e "pegada"da música nordestina brasileira, acho que tenho agradado alguns músicos e apreciadores desta linda arte, aqui em Montreal-Canada.
It is really nice to play with Louise, Samito and Rodrigo. Much better is to do what I love with people I admire. With my style to play the music from the North-eastern of Brazil, I guess I have pleased some musicians and those who like this beautiful art, here in Montreal/Canada.
C'est très agréable jouer avec Louise, Samito et Rodrigo. C'est bon faire le chose que nous aimons avec les personnes que nous admirons.
Avec mon style de jouer la music du Nord-east du Brésil, je pense que beaucoup de personnes que aiment cet art, ils ont très contente et satisfait pour mon travaille ici, à Montréal - Canada.
Drica Souza.
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